City of Walla Walla Release of Digital Data and Hard Copy Maps Conditions of Release
At your request, the City of Walla Walla is providing digital files or hard copy maps extracted from its Geographic Information System for a set fee, reproduction cost or other agreed to quid pro quo agreement established in advance of work performed.
By accepting and utilizing these maps or digital files, you agree and accept all of the following terms and conditions applicable to this release.
- Data extracted for survey and/or design purposes must adhere to the Coordinate System, Datum, and Electronic CAD Submittal Policies set forth by the City of Walla Walla.
- This information is provided without warranty or guarantee of any kind, implied or express. The City does not accept any liability for the accuracy, precision or completeness of the enclosed map or digital information or any inferences made therefrom.
- This information is not to be relied upon for site specific utility, land use, or site development plans.
- This information is provided to the party indicated on this form and is not to be transferred to a third party, without prior approval and acceptance by the City of Walla Walla GIS.
- You accept full responsibility for any use or modification of this information by yourself or anyone who acquires it from you.
- You agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Walla Walla from any claims arising from any and all uses of this information or modified versions of this information without limitation, including attorney's fees arising out of or related to the use of maps or electronic media.
- If this digital information is shared with or used by agents or subcontractors of the authorized recipient, you agree to communicate the terms of this agreement, and you agree to be responsible for their use of the information.
- You agree to pay the quoted fee to cover cost of reproducing required maps and data.
- GIS provides data at no cost to support development in the City of Walla Walla. Completed development projects must include the submittal of an electronic CAD and electronic document to the respective City project manager.
These conditions are in effect upon your acceptance, use, or transmittal of the attached map(s) or digital media. If you are not willing or able to adhere to these terms and conditions, please return the media to the City of Walla Walla without loading or using the information.